On Friday, 9 December, Cadena Ser Denia radio station held the 36th  edition of the José Marsal Caballero awards.

This year the Pepe Miralles Special Award was granted to the company Rolser. The jury paid special recognition to the company “for its 50th anniversary of constant evolution and innovation; currently immersed in an internationalisation process that involves exporting to more than 60 countries all over the world”.

Joan Server was accompanied by his family, and thanked those attending for this award that has been the perfect ending to such an important year for the company. A year that began with a trip to Ibiza with all the workers, to celebrate the 50th anniversary, followed by a multitudinous party held at the factory and also being the town criers for the Pedreguer patron saint festivities.

Throughout the ceremony, humour and the normal doses of criticism shared the stage with the emotions conveyed by the award winners of the different categories during short interviews held by Sergio Dénia.

 The presence of the comedian Ángel Rielo provided for a pleasant and entertaining evening, with short performances that served to add a humorous counterpoint to an evening of thanks and acknowledgements.

Other award winners of the evening were:

In the tourism section the award went to Pepe Vidal Gómez, director of the CdT in Dénia, for his long-standing career heading the Marina Alta Tourism Centre in Dénia, founded in 1996, and a driving force behind training professionals within the tourism sector.

The José Marsal Caballero award for solidarity was for Luis Santos Serrano. The jury wished to highlight his dedication to underprivileged groups, collaborating and cooperating, for several decades, with different NGOs and non-profit entities, that work in different countries in Africa, South and Central America.

In the Art and Culture category, the jury wanted to acknowledge the sculptor from Jávea, Antonio Marí Sart, as point of artistic reference within the Marina Alta, “whose works can be found spread over many different countries, such as New York, the City of Sciences of Valencia or the Palace of the Prince of Asturias”. Creator of the  Concurso Internacional de Cocina Creativa de la Gamba Roja de Dénia award (International Creative Cooking Contest of the Dénia Red Prawn).

The entrepreneur from Dénia Mara Bañó Marí received the José Marsal Caballero award within the Entrepreneurial section for helping to recover viticulture by purchasing ‘Les Freses’ estate, name given to the white Muscatel wine that has been marketed since 2015.

Within the festivities section, the jury presented the award to the Comissió de Festes de la Mare de Déu dels Desamparats, for its selfless and invaluable collaboration with the social, cultural, charitable, festive and sporting entities in Dénia.

The José Marsal Caballero award in the Sports section went to Antonio Fernández Luna, for his long history as a sports person directly linked to football, and to athletics during more recent years.

The perfect finishing touch for this year of celebrations of the company’s 50th anniversary, and a continuation for ROLSER’s trajectory.


Va de Bo!
